Can't leave home without em'

Central coast, CA
This is my edc. Not expensive, but reliable. Used my iPhone 4s to take the pic. If I don't have a knife, light and lighter in my pocket I'm a little uneasy. Don't smoke just a preparedness thing. The leatherman is a must as well, especially as a dad. Same with the hanky, for spills and boogers and such. Anyway, This site is amazing and I know I'm in good company. Thanks for viewing!

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Discussion (5 total)

"...spills and boogers..." LOL. My 2 boys are teens now, but I remember those days.
Chris Szaroleta ·
No kids yet, but I guess a hanky wouldn't be a terrible idea just for myself...
Kevin ·
Haha, yea I will its saved me from myself a few times. Thanks!
Kevin ·
They are fun days, but very messy.
Chris Szaroleta ·
Looks like the perfect set up to me!