Coffee shop Carry

Jakob Storgaard
Law Student (age 15)
Aarhus, Denmark
Nice and easy, I'm now sure if i could ever go wrong with this carry.
-The ZT is a large knife but goes unnoticed in the right pants.
-The watch is very lightweight, I hardly even notice I'm wearing it, unless I check the time of couse.

#clothing-accessories #firearms #electronics #loadouts #survival see all

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Discussion (7 total)

Those firehose wallets seem to be getting popular. I see them quite frequently.
Jakob Storgaard ·
Not without reason, best wallet I've had in a loooong time.. And I've tried a lot of different wallets.
Focus ·
That is a great phone. Gave mine to my wife though. It just didn't work well in my pockets. Back to the nexus 5!
Nisse Kellerstam ·
Thats a fine ass edc!!
Nick Vk ·
I wish I could get the 1+1 in my country :\
Awesome Drop! How do you like that black Space Pen?
Jakob Storgaard ·
I love it, so compact but still does the job!