Inside a writer's bag...

Mackenzie Belcastro
Writer (age 24)
Toronto, Ontario
A writer's mind is a swirling place, and so it should come as no surprise that in order to make sense of it, a writer must carry tools. Most simply: a piece of paper and a pen.

No more than that is really necessary.

So why four journals and a stack of stickies?
Why a pen and a pack of crayons and a pencil?
Why two books?
Why mint oil?

If I were living in a movie and had no responsibilities save for creating spontaneously, none of this would be necessary. But I live in this world, and so that means sorting my thoughts so they may not only be digestible by the outside world, but saleable. This is reality.

And so?

And so, I have journals devoted to each different segment of the writing process. And I have crayons to illustrate that which my mind sees but needs more time to mull over prior to sticking words to.

The mint oil is, quite simply, for headaches—something that do come when straining the mind for too long.

And books, books are everything. Books are where a writer begins and ends.

And so, my bag. These are its contents.


My writing lives at http://reveursmagazine.com/ & https://mackenziebelcastro.com

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