The term “everyday carry” means different things to different people. To many on this site, it refers to all your essential items you pack with you on your person or in your bag on a daily basis. To many others, its meaning is more specifically related to firearms.
Since the relaunch of this site, we’ve aimed to spread the concept of everyday carry to a much broader audience. This meant shifting focus away from everyday carry in the firearm sense to content that’s more accessible and relevant to an international community. As this site continues to evolve, we want to revisit this and gauge the community’s interest in firearm related content.
That would include user submissions depicting firearms, short articles, advertisements, and sponsored content containing firearms appearing on the homepage in addition to the content we normally deliver now.
We are aware that many of our readers lack interest in or have an aversion to this type of content, so it’s important that you let us know what you would like to see.
Please help us by filling out the form below.