The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from Jonathan Poston

About This Everyday Carry

I’m a growth manager working behind the computer for a fortune company by day, but in the evening, I like to go into the forest to look for prized mushrooms like chanterelles, morels, etc.

The other stuff is off-branded – notebook for keeping track of observations, and making an occasional spore print, the magnifying glass (one of a number) to check smaller details to make sure of 100% ID, the binoculars for scanning trees and further into the forest off trail where it’s better to look first than risk tons of ticks, etc.

A watch with a compass and barometer so I can get back in case my phone batter / signal goes out, and check for incoming storms when the pressure dips.

Of course two types of cutting tools for different kinds of mushrooms, some you can clip by the dozens and others it’s better to saw, like chicken of the woods.

A bag, a multitool for my keychain just so, and a good luck spinning top like the one featured on inception 🙂

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