The Best Community EDC Gear: Pocket Dump from reyn316

About This Everyday Carry

IT project leader, Calgary Alberta, Canada. I always carry a knife, a small multitool and a flashlight. This is my current. Along with work ID, truck keys and hat.

I’ve been into EDC for as long as I can remember and I’ve always been excited over what to carry each day. Since elementary school I’ve carried a Swiss Army Knife in my pocket every day (The rules were different in the 80’s)! Its usually supplemented with a knife of some sort and always a flashlight. I prefer colors and look for stuff that isn’t black or tactical looking so as not to startle anyone. The Bugout Mini is new. In Canada Benchmade is very expensive so its something I have drooled over for a long time but could never afford it. I crazy good Black Friday sale fixed that and I am super happy with it!

I absolutely love this stuff! I look at what people carry on this site and others everyday, its so much fun and full of great ideas! Thanks everyone, please keep up the good work!

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03/12/2025 03:12 pm GMT

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