If you’re looking for a new everyday carry flashlight but you want something a bit more lively than the standard black anodized body you normally find available for sale, consider picking up something made out of copper instead. The pinkish-red hue of copper will certainly make your gear stand out, and as it ages it will develop a beautiful patina that adds a touch of class to your ensemble. Plus, for items you use on a frequent basis (and perhaps hand off to people to use as well), the naturally-antimicrobial nature of the material comes in handy as well. It’s not a substitute for washing your hands, following proper hygiene guidelines, and it won’t keep you from getting sick, but it’s definitely an advantage that gear made out of copper has over other materials. If you’re ready to take the plunge and change things up by choosing a copper flashlight for EDC, we’ve put together 10 of our favorite models that you can buy right now.
The Best Copper Flashlights

Olight S2R II
RovyVon Aurora A9
Foursevens Preon P2 MKIII
Nitecore TINI Copper
Prometheus Beta QR V2
PurchaseImage courtesy of J.S. Leonard.

ReyLight LAN V3
MecArmy X3S
Maratac Copper AAA Flashlight Rev 6
AceBeam TK18
DROP AAA Copper Flashlight
PurchaseWhat’s your favorite copper flashlight? Share it with us in the comments below!