These days, plenty of wallets out there are vying for a spot in your pocket to carry your cash and cards. Few come close, however, to truly carrying all your essentials like the aptly named Essentialist Wallet from Liquid Co does. It combines the best of two popular newcomers in the EDC world, the key organizer and the minimalist plate wallet, into one sleek package. One side of its aluminum body stows up to six cards and cash under an elastic strap for quick access while keeping RFID signals at bay. On the flip side, it has swiveling posts for keys, a bottle opener, USB drives, and more. For a durable, slim, and efficient way to consolidate your carry, the Essentialist’s got it all.
You can pick one up in black or gold right here at our very own brand new shop! This is new for us, and there might be some kinks to iron out, but we’ll be working hard to make it your one stop shop for great EDC gear. To kick off its launch, we’ve created a coupon to save 10% off the entire store for the first week. Just enter EDC10OFF at checkout.