My neck kit

Gothenburg, Sweden
Made this neck-kit out of scraps. It holds fire steel, canister with matches and my razor sharp pocket WoodsKnife.

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Discussion (13 total)

Andrs Ds ·
Awesome and compact, for a real outdoorsman, well done mate!
Daniel ·
Thank you very much!
Huusmann ·
Love it! - also the neat little Woodsknife... Thanks for sharing!
Daniel ·
Thank you!
Johan Bertilsson ·
Proffsjob menar jag
Daniel ·
Tackar hjärtligast!
Johan Bertilsson ·
Snygg, du har gjort ett proffskontrakt.
Daniel ·
Tackar, tackar!
Jacob Allen ·
Nice. I assume you punched the drain hole after stretching to shape, but do you make a wood form or just stretch over the item to be held? Or maybe you make it flat, then force the tin inside after soaking?
Daniel ·
Depends on the object. In this case the canister was sturdy so I wet molded it directly on it. Sometimes I use wooden pieces if the object is weak. I did the hole afterwards. It's also big enough for a regular pen so that I can push the canister out if it would be stuck.
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